Translational Science Benefits
Community & public health benefits (Health activities & products)
Diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive health services provided for individuals in a community. Examples include clinics, tobacco cessation, or mobile mammography vans.
Community health services can substantially impact the population health of a community and involve community members, researchers, and physicians working together to provide services that benefit the community.
Advice from authors on searching for information:
Access to self-reported researcher or administrative/in-house data may be required to locate documentation. For community-based and community-specific health services, check local and regional health departments. National and state health departments can also be resources for future community health service implementation. While surveillance tools like BRFSS, NIHS, etc. can demonstrate impact in community care, they do not directly address specific work that can lead to those impacts.
Resources & Data
Organizations, repositories, websites, and other sources where you can find more information:
- Barnes-Jewish/Christian HealthCare Community Health Services. Provides details on screenings, wellness, and other services in the St. Louis area.
- 2014 St. Louis County Community Health Improvement Plan. Developed by the St. Louis County Partnership for a Health Community, Saint Louis County, and Saint Louis County Health, outlines steps and goals to improve St. Louis County’s community members. Among the steps, it lists higher access to more health care services, including behavioral health service, and preventative service to health issues that are prevalent in St. Louis such as STI and obesity prevention.
- St. Louis County Missouri: Health Centers and Medical Services. Locations of clinics and centers that provide a variety of health services across St. Louis County.
- CDC Division of Community Health (DCH): Making Healthy Living Easier. This CDC website provides examples of community health partnerships, tips for health service implementation, and descriptions of successful programs across the nation.
- National Association of Community Health Centers. A national resource on the benefit of community health centers and services in the U.S. This website provides links to information and other resources pertaining to building community health centers through different mechanisms. Both policy passage and data collection are listed as important mechanisms to community health center/services development and resources are provided to aid in effective implementation and sustainability.
Data Limitations
Challenges you may encounter while searching for information:
May have some difficulty finding examples of community health service implementation for specific health services or services that are pertinent to selected communities.
Articles, books, and other publications in translational science using the indicator:
- Adashi EY, Geiger HJ, Fine MD. Health care reform and primary care – the growing importance of the community health center. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jun 3;362(22):2047-50. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1003729..
- Creech CB, Al-Zubeidi DN, Fritz SA. Prevention of recurrent staphylococcal skin infections. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2015 Sep;29(3):429-64.doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2015.05.007.
- Cueva K, Cueva M, Dignan M, et al. Print material in cancer prevention: an evaluation of three booklets designed with and for Alaska’s community health workers. J Cancer Educ. 2016 Jun;31(2):279-84. doi: 10.1007/s13187-015-0815-2.
- Muthukrishanan M, Sutcliffe S, Hunleth JM, et al. Conducting a randomized trial in rural and urban safety-net health centers: Added value of community-based participatory research. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2018 Mar 6;10:29-35. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2018.02.005.
- Spiers G, Allgar V, Richardson G, et al. Transforming community health services for children and young people who are ill: a quasi-experimental evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Sep. Health Services and Delivery Research. doi: 10.3310/hsdr04250.
Case Studies

Psychiatric Measurement-Based Care (MBC) in Safety Net Clinical Settings: Implications for Health Equity
Health equity implications for measurement-based care (MBC) for mental health in diverse settings
Clinical & medical benefits
Community & public health benefits
Policy & legislative benefits

Expanding Mental Health Access for Children and Youth Through System Change, Human-Centered Design, and Community Partnership
Building a stronger youth mental health system through collaboration
Community & public health benefits
Economic benefits

Preventing Suicide among Youth in Juvenile Detention
Increasing the implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention in juvenile detention centers through the Zero Suicide model
Clinical & medical benefits
Community & public health benefits
Economic benefits
Policy & legislative benefits